Testimony Edith drum workshop
Edith témoignage Atelier de Tambour
Testimonial drum workshop
Atelier Tambour
Elle vous guide humblement

Brigitte est l’une des personnes que j’ai rencontrées dont l’esprit est celui d’une véritable chamane. Sa vie est tissée autour de son travail et elle porte un véritable intérêt à tout.
Que ce soit une araignée qui vient vous rendre visite, ou quelqu’un en besoin. Elle donne son temps pour vous guider humblement et prendre le temps qu’il faut pour vous écouter.
Ses connaissances sont sans fin. Si vous avez la chance de rencontrer cette belle personne alors faites le. Si rien d’autre vous repartirez avec de l’amour dans votre coeur.
Ian Bilke
She gives guidance in a humble way

Brigitte is one of the few people I have met, to be a true shaman of old spirit. Her life is woven around her work and she has a real interest in all.
Whether a spider comes to visit, or someone in need. She gives her time to acknowledge and give guidance in a very humble way.
Her knowledge is endless. If you ever have the opportunity to meet this great being please take it.
If nothing else you will leave with love in your heart.
She may even show you there is another way of living on this earth.
Ian Bilke
Atelier Chamanique Mai 2019
Shamanic Retreat May 2019
Un lieu de ressourcement

La Source Intérieure « En Catala » est un lieu de Guérison.
C’est un endroit plein de beauté et de douceur, où l’on ressent et perçoit le Féminin, où l’on peut marcher dans les jardins magiques et se baigner dans la piscine ou simplement s‘allonger ou se reposer sur la terre.
Brigitte est une guérisseuse exceptionnelle et un mentor.
Elle prendra soin de vous avec toute sa gentillesse quelque soit l’atelier ou la retraite que vous choisissiez de faire à la Source.
Elle cuisine très bien et a de nombreuses connaissances nutritionnelles et sur les soins aussi.
Elle a une relation toute privilégiée avec ses chats et avec la vie elle même.
Margi Ross. Directeur pour Le Centre pour The Conscious Feminine
Kingston Upon thames Angleterre Novembre 2018
A healing place where you can feel and experience the Feminine.

“The Source Centre” En Catala is a healing place.
It’s a place of beauty and kindness, where the Feminine can be felt and experienced, Walk in the beautiful gardens and bathe in the pool.
Lie on the earth and rest.
Brigitte is an exceptional healer and teacher.
She’s very kind and will look after you with great care, whatever retreat or course you book for.
She’s a great cook and knows a lot about nutrition and healing.
She relates in a special way to her cats and all life.
Margi Ross.
Director. The Centre for the Conscious Feminine.
Kingston upon Thames. Surrey. GB. November 2018.
Ma vie a changé

Tout d’abord, je n’avais aucune notion de ce que pouvait m’apporter cet atelier chamanique. Je n’avais honnêtement aucune ideé de ce qu’était un voyage chamanique . Cependant j’ai fais confiance à Brigitte dont l’atelier chamanique me fut chaleureusement recommandé par Rachel Elnaugh qui est mon mentor sur le plan de mon business et aussi spirituel.
Ce fut l’expérience la plus incroyable que je n’ai vécu depuis très très longtemps et aussi un défi avec moi même. Brigitte est vraiment la femme la plus incroyable que j’ai rencontrée.
J’apprends à ouvrir mon coeur dans chacun des aspets de ma vie. J’ai découvert qu’un travail en petit groupe lors de cette retraite m’a permit de me sentir en sécurité et vraiment d’être à même de partager ouvertement et avec facilité….. tous les sujets.
Je me sens comme une personne bien différente depuis mon retour à Sydney… libérée, paisible et en gratitude.
Ce que j’ai appris lors de cet Atelier, je n’aurais jamais pu l’apprendre par des programmes conventionels.
Je suis tellement heureuse d’avoir participé dans cet atelier, pour moi cette expérience à changé ma vie et Bee (Brigitte) est l’une des femmes les plus belles et porteuse de sagesse que j’ai rencontré…. Lynda Hamilton Sydney Australie xx
It was a life changing experience

It turned out to be the most amazing and challenging experience I’ve had in a long long time. Brigitte is truely just the most incredible woman .
Firstly I have to say that I had no idea really what the week would entail . I honestly had no idea either what a shamanic journey even was but I trusted in Brigitte and Rachel Elnaugh who is my business/spiritual mentor who recommended the retreat to me.
I’m learning to open my heart more in every aspect of my life.
I feel like a different person since I returned home to Sydney… liberated, peaceful, grateful .
What I learnt on the retreat I could never have learned on any conventional course.
I’m so glad I went on the retreat, for me it was a life changing experience and Bee ( Brigitte ) is one of the most beautiful and wise women I have ever met…… Lynda Hamilton Sydney Australia xx
Esprit de compassion

Brigitte Antelme est une femme médecine puissante, dont l’esprit de compassion envers toute vie est palpable dans chaque centimètre de ses jardins merveilleux, beaux et de son lieu de retraite la source Intérieure. Son esprit de compassion profonde et sa connection avec toute vie ont permit à ma fille et à moi-même de vraiment nous relaxer et de nous imprégner de ces énergies de guérison puissantes lors de cette retraite. L’accueil est comfortable, spacieux et renvoie à des souvenirs tout droit sortis d’un recueil de Jane Austen.

Spirit of deep compassion

Once within the walls of the ruins Brigitte initiated a cleansing and activation meditation to clear and energize the site. My heart opened wide and participated in the ceremony with my own reverence and deep connection to the power of the Light’s compassion and forgiveness.

During the rest of our visit at her retreat Brigitte catered to me with natural remedies, soups and tender loving care. She also provided 1:1 counseling and healing for my daughter. She monitored and provided ongoing advice and observations throughout our stay. She went out of her way to provide everything we needed, from the making of a wood fire, directions to outlying points of interest, counseling and spiritual guidance; we were blessed to have gone to this wonderful retreat!
Paula Rogers and Leslie Williamson
British Columbia, Canada
Une énergie magique ici

Chère Brigitte.
Encore un chaleureux remerciement pour notre séjour ici!
Nous repartons rafraichis et nourris.
Il y a vraiment une énergie magique ici!
Ce fut un plaisir de passer du temps en votre charmante compagnie et de voir vos peintures merveilleuses et d’écouter et de ressentir tout le travail fabuleux que vous faites.
En Toute Amitié Pippa & Simon xxx
It has magical energy here

Dearest Brigitte.
Thanks again so much for our lovely stay here!
We will return refreshed and nourished.
It really does have magical energy here!
It was a pleasure to spend itme with lovely you and see your gorgeous paintings and hear and feel all the amazing work you are doing.
With Love Pippa and Simon xxx
Témoignage Juliet Yelverton

Brigitte Marie est une guérisseuse qui met dans son travail les qualités et valeurs vous permettant de vous sentir pleinement en sécurité, présence et sagesse.,
Qu’elle vous propose une session à distance ou que vous soyez en Atelier de ressourcement dans son centre charmant, vous serez toujours traité avec le plus grand soin, compassion et gentillesse.
On ne peut mettre un prix sur la valeur de ce que vous recevez lorsque vous êtes en session avec elle et je la recommanderai toujours pour la “Personne vers qui Aller” si vous rencontrez des difficultés dans votre vie.
Juliet Yelverton
Healer that brings an enormous amount of care, safety and wisdom

Brigitte Marie
She is a healer that brings an enormous amount of care, safety and wisdom to her healing work.
Whether you are doing a distance session with her or whether you are on retreat at her lovely centre, you will always be treated with the utmost care, compassion and kindness.
No amount of money meets the value of what you will receive in your work with her and I would always recommend her for the ‘go to’ person if you are having difficulties in your life.
Juliet Yelverton
Trauma Healer and Teacher
Healing Waters Sanctuary, Glastonbury.
Témoignage Ayele

.J’aimerai partager quelque chose de particulier.
Je souffre souvent de douleurs dans les genoux et les hanches.
Lors de notre session, j’ai reconnu d’où certaines de mes issues venaient.
Ce fut comme si un poids s’enlevait.
Les douleurs articulaires passèrent de sévères à légères.
Je ressens à peine la douleur et je rends grâce à Dieu pour cette relâche.
Je portais beaucoup de souffrance dans mes hanches et dans mes genoux.
It was indeed like a weight that went off.

I would Like to share something amazing.
I have been having a lot of knee and hip pains.
When I had the session with you and I recognized where some of my issues were coming from.
It was indeed like a weight that went off.
The joint pains went from severe to mild.
I am barely feeling the pain and i am grateful to God for the release.
I was carrying a lot of the pain in my hips and knees .
Ayele Rwayitare
Second Testimimonial from Ayele
Dear Brigitte
I am in Boston for thanksgiving celebrations. I really thank God for the work we started.
I am with my entire family, some we hadn’t spoken for years because of one issue of tension or another.
As I worked with you in issues with rejection, abandonment, many issues on my side are taking their rightful place of peace and acceptance.
I can’t wait to continue the work
Kind regards Ayele
Spirit of deep compassion

Brigitte Antelme is a powerful medicine woman whose spirit of compassion for all life permeates every inch of her beautiful, wild and wonderful gardens and retreat. Her spirit of deep compassion and connection to all life allowed my daughter and I to truly relax and drink in the healing power of her retreat. Accommodation is… Read more “Spirit of deep compassion”
Shamanic Retreat May 2019
She gives guidance in a humble way

Brigitte is one of the few people I have met, to be a true shaman of old spirit. Her life is woven around her work and she has a real interest in all.
Whether a spider comes to visit, or someone in need. She gives her time to acknowledge and give guidance in a very humble way.
Her knowledge is endless. If you ever have the opportunity to meet this great being please take it.
If nothing else you will leave with love in your heart.
She may even show you there is another way of living on this earth.
Ian Bilke
A healing place where you can feel and experience the Feminine.

“The Source Centre” En Catala is a healing place.
It’s a place of beauty and kindness, where the Feminine can be felt and experienced, Walk in the beautiful gardens and bathe in the pool.
Lie on the earth and rest.
Brigitte is an exceptional healer and teacher.
She’s very kind and will look after you with great care, whatever retreat or course you book for.
She’s a great cook and knows a lot about nutrition and healing.
She relates in a special way to her cats and all life.
Margi Ross.
Director. The Centre for the Conscious Feminine.
Kingston upon Thames. Surrey. GB. November 2018.
It was indeed like a weight that went off.

Brigitte I would Like to share something amazing. I have been having a lot of knee and hip pains. When I had the session with you and I recognized where some of my issues were coming from. It was indeed like a weight that went off. The joint pains went from severe to mild. I… Read more “It was indeed like a weight that went off.”
It has magical energy here

Dearest Brigitte.
Thanks again so much for our lovely stay here!
We will return refreshed and nourished.
It really does have magical energy here!
It was a pleasure to spend itme with lovely you and see your gorgeous paintings and hear and feel all the amazing work you are doing.
With Love Pippa and Simon xxx
Healer that brings an enormous amount of care, safety and wisdom

Brigitte Marie
She is a healer that brings an enormous amount of care, safety and wisdom to her healing work.
Whether you are doing a distance session with her or whether you are on retreat at her lovely centre, you will always be treated with the utmost care, compassion and kindness.
No amount of money meets the value of what you will receive in your work with her and I would always recommend her for the ‘go to’ person if you are having difficulties in your life.
Juliet Yelverton
Trauma Healer and Teacher
Healing Waters Sanctuary, Glastonbury.