Brigitte Antelme is a powerful medicine woman whose spirit of compassion for all life permeates every inch of her beautiful, wild and wonderful gardens and retreat. Her spirit of deep compassion and connection to all life allowed my daughter and I to truly relax and drink in the healing power of her retreat. Accommodation is comfortable, spacious and reminiscent of something out of a Jane Austen novel.
When my daughter and I arrived at the Source Centre in Verfeil, France we were exhausted from the three flights we’d travelled from Canada to Toulouse. Unfortunately, within a couple of days I developed a sinus cold. I thought for sure I was going to be sick my whole stay but dear, amazing Brigitte worked her medicine woman magic and had me cured within two days!

Once I was well Brigitte accompanied my daughter and I to the place I’d longed to visit, Montségur. She brought her significant knowledge of the area and the holy significance of this historically charged site. She approached it with reverence and ceremony; providing us with the means to honor those who’d died for their beliefs.
Once within the walls of the ruins Brigitte initiated a cleansing and activation meditation to clear and energize the site. My heart opened wide and participated in the ceremony with my own reverence and deep connection to the power of the Light’s compassion and forgiveness.

During the rest of our visit at her retreat Brigitte catered to me with natural remedies, soups and tender loving care. She also provided 1:1 counseling and healing for my daughter. She monitored and provided ongoing advice and observations throughout our stay. She went out of her way to provide everything we needed, from the making of a wood fire, directions to outlying points of interest, counseling and spiritual guidance; we were blessed to have gone to this wonderful retreat!
Paula Rogers and Leslie Williamson
British Columbia, Canada