The wounded Healer

The Wounded Healer

One Day Retreat

 My Intention is to bring clearer understanding about the Healing potential of Chiron through this Myth. Chiron the Asteroid journeys between Saturn and Uranus! Boundaries of Saturn and Vision/Innovation and rebellion of Uranus!

He has just left the sign of Pisces journey with the collective waters  and taking a new start of transformation into our lives in the sign of Aries the purifying life force and Fire of the Heart. Here Chiron will be backed up by youthful action/ bursting forth of new energies of Mars ruler of Aries (first sign of the zodiac). What changes are we going to experience in our lives? and collectively too?

The Myth of Chiron the wounded healer is within his own vulnerability mirroring our own core wounds. His story brings to light our own; often enabling us to enter in resonance enabling each one of us to engage in our own process of transformation with compassion for those core wounds (often trans-generational) that reveal themselves wherever Chiron is on our birth chart.

Chiron is Healer as he taught the arts of medicine, but he is magician and alchemist too, so in the sign of Aries taking healing unto another level again as he starts a full cycle journey around the Zodiac Wheel teaching for another 51 years how to engage where we feel our most vulnerable ! 

Here in Aries, we can expect that his energies will enable each of us to act and to  surrender into deepening transformations; as all his talents come to the forefront in that fire sign, who can be truly head strong! 

However Chiron’s secret weapons are his arrow/sword of Light he uses to target what is of no value in our lives bringing it into conscious mindfulness:Releasing what no longer Serves. For he holds the keys to untie the knots enabling healing. This Retreat will be held in Mindful presence aligned with compassion.

Timing: Start at 10 am. Ending at 17 pm. Lunch at 12.30 am.( vegan or vegetarian food provided) Starting at 14.30 pm Closing at 17 pm.  (Please arrive 15-30 minutes before beginning to settle in thank you.)

I shall start at 10 am precise and I shall not accept people who arrive late. This is in respect for the retreat theme of that day and those present. Thank you for your understanding.

Date for this one Day retreat: 30 th June Cancelled

Group: minimum of 6 persons and a maximum of 8 people .

Price: 121 £  inclusive of vegetarian and vegan lunch.

Requirements: Please do send your full birth details at least a fortnight before the retreat. (Full name, date, time and place) This gives me time to Attune to what is showing up for you. Thank you.

Venue: Healing waters 73 A Tor View Avenue BA 6 8AG Glastonbury England.

Please secure your place on this retreat below