Walking Pathways as Feminine Shaman Creating
Safe Ways to Serve Life.
Shamanism has been alive for over 100 000 years at least and has been used as a way of maintaining an open gateway of communication and a living connection between worlds inclusive of the spirit world.
It held the communities within a genuine caring bond and connections too. The Shaman being in touch with the spirit worlds could be called upon, when required to bring back balance and healing of the people too.
All life manifesting is pure energy, this is known in quantum physics and it is acknowledged that when changing the behaviour of one particle other particles get affected and react even if they are hundreds of miles away. They enter in resonance even if they are not in physical contact; so all life is energy inter relating, taking different forms or dimensions .
Shamanism is a simple practice whereby we can journey upon the sounds of the drum, rattles or songs, creating an altered state of consciousness enabling us to access the realms where spirit helpers reside.
The journey can be used to help someone to regain their power, or health or just to contact a spirit plant to reveal its particular medicine in support of a health condition. A sacred circle is created first invoking all the dimensions East, south, west, north, mother earth,father sky and heart space and then clearing the sacred space with sage smudge and those who take part in this ceremony.
There is another path within that shamanistic journey and that is one Brigitte walks upon daily, she just weaves those practices into her day staying fully connected with all of life and people she might meet while using the breath, coherence of her heart, her joy and releasing what needs to be released or reclaimed when it appears inside the field .
Brigitte Marie started walking the feminine pathways a long time ago, as a young child she was always fascinated by nature and the sacredness of all life within mother earth all around her.
She started sharing simple ceremonies with flowers, water and stone circles surrounded by other young children in nature creating a sacred circle before she was 9 years old and she would always bring home stray animals to care and fend for! This behaviour created many unforeseen incidents and rejections.
The call to walk the shamanistic feminine pathways came deeply embedded within her as a child and was made manifest following a near death experience at the age of 14 that is when she met up with the beings of light for the first time face to face beyond this physical dimension before that time, her connection with the other realms had been through nature’s elements.
She went into the tunnel pulled along by the light and met up with the realm of another being of pure light as she moved feeling as light as a feather into her light body and the place of no pain, just bliss.
At the end of that tunnel of light she met up with an elder spirit totally radiant, surrounded by other light forms, who spoke those words to her: you have not finished what you came here to do on this earth plane and have to go back to the physical dimension that you chose to live within.
As she took those words into her heart, she tried to plead with that spirit and mentioned that living on the Earth was a truly painful process, and that she suffered a lot, the spirit holding total compassion radiating into her, assured her that they would meet again.
He shared that other dimension of pure source and bliss beyond the physical one still radiating the light upon her assuring her they would stay as one energy of light while she lived on earth.
She then turned away from the light beings, and returned back into her body feeling the manifestation and solidity of matter once again all around and within herself, as she regained the vision of the room where she was lying in,tears rolled on her face.
As she turned her face towards the window the light poured in from behind a cloud bathing the room in bright radiance and she smiled. A knock at the door:”You can come in, it is open”.
A young man came in, she had been told a new doctor was going to replace the older one she had been seeing for weeks now. He strode in as if he was walking in nature, came in, open face, a smile on his lips and such a quality of presence in his green eyes.
He introduced himself as doctor Rivière “River”, while standing at the foot of her bed, he just touched her feet under the cover and asked with a gentle tone: “and how are you doing today little lady?”
That was the turning point of her journey, at that instant she chose to come back here on earth and into her body, for he cared and was kind and she felt supported. Those were simple values she experienced, for her, feeling safe, and able to share how she truly felt inside her body while being seen for the first time with the eyes of the soul. Her will to live was kindled anew.
Mirrors are true keys in life as the above story shares.
The path of the wounded healer is not an easy one as life sends many tests along the way however it offers the possibilities of understanding life’s hidden mysteries and how to transform and start healing some of the issues within that wounded healer archetype both individually and collectively.