Inner child


If you have the sense or feeling that your inner child has lost its voice or has not been able to voice her feelings and experiences, or feel safe to do so; then this journey might be supportive and enabling for you to start speaking your truth. 

Module 1)  The Story of the Inner Child: “who is the Inner Child and why does it matter to start reclaiming her? Does she have a Voice and what is her Soul Connection? And how can the child learn to experience a safe container ? Here are some of the questions that will find some answers as you take this journey.           

Module 2)  How to Empower the Inner Child : When experiencing the feelings of safety, feminine holding, empathy, clear mirroring and acceptance of whom she is, just as she is, this enables you to move away from values that no longer serve or resonate with you. You can then choose to leave them behind and start clearing those false belief systems, thought forms about yourself and expectations placed upon you as a tiny child or those you adopted in early childhood, when the need to belong with family or peer group was so strong.

Some of those patterns might impair or simply block the flow and expression of the inner child’s Voice. Repressing its truth and its Trust in Life within the adult that you are now.

Module 3) The Vision of the Inner Child: Validating how she experiences life and its multi-dimensional fields through voicing her reality as she starts seeing and relating to all life from a feminine perspective of empathy, love, kindness and compassion towards herself and life. This will release amazing creative potential, as well as manifest renewed Hope, Trust, Empathy for Life and for herself.

What you hope to achieve through this Feminine field of work:

  • Reclaiming a healing connection with your inner child as the first module is all about moving away from negative imprints of both feminine and masculine and false matriarchal and patriarchal values as well as their thought forms blocking freedom of creative expression. This work enables the inner child to slowly come out from its hiding place, stepping into safe holding with non judgments, validating each step she/he takes enabling transformational journey with  sharing her/his unique story.

Opening the doors of feminine laws and values which nurture and support you. Sharing stories: Here is one about being the little seed that you are born to be and just that for it holds everything that is just You.



  • You will be given simple tools to anchor and consolidate those connections and learn how to best resource yourself and maintain alive the link with your inner child on a daily basis. 
  • You will be guided in simple ways to listen and heed the feminine voice within. For what she has to share is connected to your own Story, and to your Soul truth and the power to Love. That is an empowering process for you and for all life.
  • Each Module will guide you step by step, giving more space for the Inner Child to reveal and express itself safely. During these stages and process of reclaiming we kindly veil the Adult’s voice within you so as not to create interference.
  • This will clear the field so it does not get over shadowed by the adult or parental inner observer replaying the past imprints of needing to control or project expectations upon the inner child.
  • She can start bringing back to the Light of her awareness the Gems she holds in her being, in her heart and soul.
  • That is when her wisdom reveals itself, as her experience of the feminine values start holding her on a daily basis, she can start voicing her own unique story connecting her to her Soul’s Journey. 
  • The adult part can then hear that story, receive it with openness and then integrate those reclaimed fragments of the inner child and her gifts too, weaving them into wholeness bringing balance.
  • The modules will  open a path towards freedom and true release of the power of the voice of the person you are born to be. This will enhance  your trust in life and fully release your own creative potential through the Inner Child’s vision and journey.

Week end Workshops: Each module is over 2 consecutive days .

Times:  {9 – 12.30 a.m and 14.30 – 18 p.m } each day. Two breaks of 20 minutes morning and afternoon. Lunch break 2 hours.

Price: £ 360 includes organic teas, juices, Vegetarian lunch.

Venue: At En Catala near Toulouse with a flight in to Blagnac Airport. A pick up can be organised to and from the Airport. The large home is situated in the South west France with guest house Accommodation and Outside Pool . {There is an extra cost of  160£ for week-end accomodation at En Catala near Toulouse }

Dates  proposed Spring 2019: 1st Module.

Dates proposed Spring 2019: 2nd Module.

Dates proposed Spring 2019 3rd Module.  

I offer some Mentoring of the above Programs in individual sessions, Time set will be 1 and a half to 2 hours. And the price per Module and per session will be £ 150. (All materials are provided for all the training workshops.)

Fill in the form so I can reply to you. Take a moment to see if the above program resonates with your own journey. I will be glad to work with you.