Voici leur histoire racontée par MaBee
Il y a très longtemps avant que tu sois né, à l’orée d’une forêt, se trouvait une grande maison toute en pierre, totalement abandonnée. Personne ne s’y intéressait, si ce n’est une glycine bleu violette et un rosier grimpant. Personne ne voulait l’acheter ou s’en occuper « trop de travail et de réparations » disaient t’ils et petit à petit on l’oublia. Elle était loin des grandes villes, cachés parmi les collines dans la campagne.
One day while going by car on an outing in nature, Ma with her children passed not far from that abandoned house and stopped just to look at it. It was standing there looking abandoned, old yet inviting them to look her over.
That is what they all chose to do as she held so much charm. They got out of the car and ran in the high grass, till they reached the doorway. The children and her just loved that old place at first glance and after visiting it, Ma decided to buy it, as it had been waiting to become their home.
The mother’s name was MaBee, yes like the little bee that you see collecting pollen and golden nectar from the flowers. She had chosen that name for she so loved the Bees and wished to protect them.
There were only three trees when they went into the garden, the rest of the land was barren and looked desolate. So you can imagine as you read this story how that must have felt for MaBee and her children and for all life longing to find a safe place to call their home.
Imagine: could a rabbit live and make a burrow, that is his home underground? Oh No…too barren. Have you thought of mother hedgehog? Where could she hibernate in winter times as there were no branches stacked for her to hide into a ball and sleep until spring returns? Nowhere! That is quite a major thought!
Have you thought about snails, they too need a home, like a tile or a pot turned over, not just left to curl up deeper into their shell, the home they carry upon their back to hide away when the frost comes and the ground freezes. They would be far too exposed to the wintry cold and the winds!
Hedgerows matter to them and stones to hide under and tall grasses and bark too. What about fruit trees you ask me? For the bees, and all the many varieties of flowers and seeds for the birds?

Ah well MaBee was thinking and thinking and steam started coming out from the top of her head, as she wondered where to start first what was the main priority?
Her choice with the children was to create a magic garden for the little invisible people first so they planted seeds, and bulbs for all realms and for the animals of all sizes as they too needed a home just as much as they did.
They were a courageous family and hard-working, even if they were all artists of some sort, some played the piano, some the guitar, while others just painted or loved digging a gigantic hole for a pond so fishes and newts and dragonflies could live there as well as frogs and toads .
The boys loved digging and the pond started getting bigger and bigger and MaBee bought a thick black liner so the water would not leak away; they added stones, water lilies, irises and fishes too Koï carps and they were just beautiful.
There was one Koï carp for each of the 5 children. The radiant golden one like sunshine in the water, only her eyes were not gold, there was a pure mother of pearl one, a multi colored one, a deep blue and creamy one and a black and red-orange one.
The family together installed a pump and linked it to the main’s water so the fishes had oxygen day and night; the Koï carps looked truly happy and so did the children.
They build a wooden bench and this became a very quiet place for them all to sit by, when the sun went down and the skies turned to purple golds in the summer months, a time for gratitude to all Life.
Ma started planting a cedar tree, the boys loved the oaks and they just put some acorns in the ground and young saplings they had found and rescued from the forest paths while walking.
The family chose many ancient varieties of fruit trees and the garden started coming alive within a few years. Ma planted many lavender bushes creating borders for all the bees, then some ancient rose varieties, wild flowers and they created an organic vegetable garden for the family.
The pond was the harbor for all the animals to come and drink from. Other tree varieties came on their own, carried as tiny seeds upon the winds; or the legs of birds or other crawling animals and they magically transformed this garden into a woven landscape rich in colors, varieties and hiding places.
Magic was born and Ma was truly happy and so were all the children as they had a great garden to play in and truly enjoy. Ma and the children worked for many years creating magic, variety and a safe home for all.
Mother nature heard the happy sounds, the laughter, the buzzing that started coming from the gardens, birds singing, bees humming, bumble-bees busying themselves upon the sage and lime flowers.
The garden was now alive, vibrant and buzzing with new sounds and life felt safe, nurtured and welcomed. A balanced ecosystem was now breathing and singing daily for all life to hear and visit too within all seasons.
Magic spread too, for more and more beings came to this safe place, knowing instinctively that they were not being sprayed with toxic chemicals or chased. They experienced life as kind and generous whenever they visited that place.
Guess they told each other the good news, in their own language, for Ma noticed that every year more beings came to the garden for shelter. Next guess what happened? Rabbits started coming and burrowing under the ground and the hedges that the family had planted all around the gardens and their warrens were safe there.
One spring time the frogs started singing so we knew that they had arrived! then tiny emerald light sage frogs arrived, and newts, water skaters too and salamanders settled in the pond and the dragonflies came to drink and lay their eggs.
A microcosm was born, growing and living in alignment with the seasons, balancing its creations year in and year out!
You can do the same, even if your garden is small, the key is just to create a safe place even if it is for the tiniest of living beings in a single flower-pot.
All you need is a pot and to fill it with some good earth and to remember to have a little jug of water standing by. Then you sow a few seeds, place the pot on a window seal where it can see the light.
Next you need to practice patience for it takes a little while for the hidden seed inside the earth to swell, to break its husk and to reveal its tiny shoot just learn to watch as magic happens, for this is the miracle of all life. If you live in a flat you can do that too and then your heart can sing .
Hare Spirit Dream Vision
One night as MaBee was fast asleep, she had a magic dream vision, she did not get that many dreams like this one. Where there was so much brilliant light and such a magic visitor.
Yet when she did see that vision, happiness filled her heart and her soul started singing too and the household was buzzing like her. She was standing looking into her garden from her bedroom window while being in her dream state and it was night-time.
Suddenly she watched coming from the south of the garden, a beam of light descending and as it touched the ground, she looked at its large wings and just realized that this was a Light being. The Spirit of Hare was visiting her and the magic garden.
As it came, it looked royal, totally poised and serious for he was a messenger. You can see that on his face, when you look at that picture, he is serious, even if his fur coat is totally radiant.
He is poised there, silently gazing at Ma and she was gazing back at him waiting and wondering what this visit was all about? After a while, she started seeing many brown furry rabbits coming out of their hiding places and warrens and sitting by his side.
They looked small next to him, yet happy to be sitting all around him, gazing and sharing his radiance. It was like brilliant moon light on his body and all around his open wings and the grass was lit up brighter green now.
He opened wider his wings encompassing them all, in a protective manner, while still looking at Ma and she looking at them all, in silence, as she was taking this beautiful scene deep within her heart.
He had come to assure them all of his protection now they were in the garden, his spirit and soul could manifest in this physical form of this being of light as this garden was safe for him to visit in his light body!
He sat there among them reminding them of his existence even if most of the time he remained invisible. MaBee heard him speaking with them, telling the little bunnies that they were in danger of disappearing in many areas and that was not good news!.
Remember you are being hunted each year, and you need to refine your search for kind home land; so do stay attuned to the voice of the Soul and the Spirit world, as you look for safe places for you will then be guided ! They twitched in approval whiskers and ears!
En entendant de telles nouvelles, les lapins se sentirent heureux et triste en même temps, conscients que certains de leurs amis n’avaient pas eu le choix de vivre dans lieu aussi protégé que chez MaBee!
Cependant l’esprit du Lièvre murmura dans chacune de leurs longues oreilles qu’il les protégeait et leur apprendrait comment rester en sécurité et se cacher quand la saison de chasse arrivait. Je vous guiderai vers les lieux et maisons où vous serez à l’abri et trouverez un refuge tout comme chez MaBee.
Le Lièvre les assura de sa protection continue, tout en regardant une dernière fois MaBee, alors qu’elle appelait doucement sa plus jeune fille de venir à ses côtés voir cette vision radieuse.
Ma se déplaça un tout petit peu, s’éloignant de l’appui de la fenêtre, pour se retourner vers sa plus jeune fille qui venait de rentrer dans sa chambre afin de partager cette vision! C’est tout ce qu’il fallu pour que ce Lièvre Merveilleux disparaisse de leur vue. Elle réalisa mais trop tard qu’elle n’était plus totalement présente à son apparition et à sa magie!
Elle le contempla alors qu’il ouvrait et déployait avec puissance ses ailes de lumière prenant son envol et disparaissant de leur champ de vision en un bref instant! Il était à nouveau devenu invisible!
Retour dans le Monde Invisible des Esprits
Tous les lapins se tenaient en cercle, assis sur leurs petits derrières, sur ce terre plein. Leurs moustaches tremblantes encore d’étonnement, leurs oreilles pointées et ouvertes dans la brise du soir et à ce moment là ils touchèrent avec les coussinets de leurs pattes avant, l’herbe où des gouttes de lumière, telles des perles de rosées, restaient attachées à leurs pattes!
Tous unis dans ce cercle magique, où l’esprit leur était apparu, leurs petits corps habillés d’ un rayonnement nouveau! Car au fur et à mesure que les gouttelettes laissées par son passage s’accrochaient à leurs coussinets, celles-ci se propageaient jusqu’à la pointe de leurs oreilles dressées.
Tout en se regardant, transformés, radieux, ils commencèrent à taper la terre de leurs pattes arrières de joie et à sauter en l’air tout en décrivant un cercle qui se transforma en un rayon de lune lumineux, vivant, se mouvant et se détachant du vert sombre de l’herbe tout pailletté de perles de lumières!.
Ma était tout aussi étonnée qu’eux par cette danse, ainsi que sa fille!
Regardez l’image et vous verrez leurs changements et leur transformation suite à la venue et la rencontre de l’esprit du lièvre venu les assurer de sa protection. Ma demeura silencieuse toute la journée, pesant et revivant devant ses yeux cette apparition magique et le sens de cette visite dans son jardin!
Elle raconta cette histoire à ses amies et enfants et ici pour vous. Cependant elle sait très bien que l’esprit du lièvre est toujours à ses côtés et dans son jardin et que tous les lapins de garenne et toute vie alentour, connaissent son existence et sa présence est dans leurs cœurs.
Même s’il est invisible, ils ressentent sa présence à leurs côtés et c’est une vérité rassurante à garder précieusement dans son cœur, même si on est un petit lapin de Garenne!.