Horse Lord

Dream of the Horse Lord True to the Wisdom and Spirit of the Feminine.

In my dream I called him the warlord, however I know he is the Sovereign stallion. He leads and protects the wild herd. After being caught and trapped, and penned, in the dream I first see him as a very young child while in my mother’s arms, this was our first meeting a long time ago. However within the dream, I help to release him and all the herd back to freedom.


I am now older child in the dream and I move very close to the enclosure where about 50/60 mares and young horses are penned, held prisoners. I become aware that all I need to do is to be fully present as I see them all trapped in the enclosure. My inner voice guides me to visualise them running wild and free on the lands that were their territories. This action of seeing and witnessing with the eyes of the soul, not only supports each one of them but enables the stallion to fling the gates open!

Mediating Turtle

Mother Turtle gifting Balance Here is a painting I created from a vision of mother turtle, as she came slowly, making her way up after swimming upon the currents of the world’s oceans, amazing swimmer.   She came in, surfing upon a wave being carried like a wooden husk, dropped upon the warm golden sands. This […]

Releasing Imprints

Mentoring on Imprints and how to Release them Do you remember the story of the Dolphin as mediating the unconscious waters and Gifting back the pearl to the child? Here is the next fragment that revealed itself enabling me now to start addressing the healing work way back into my own family lineages, releasing that […]

Dreams as Gems of Wisdom

While unraveling the threads within those dream visions, as you might have been one of the actors or just the observer of what was happening within that inner dream vision gifted unto you as a messenger.

Feminine weaving life’s flow
Were you actor within that dream, or situation or just observing and viewing those images within the many layers of the dream-vision unfolding, revealing truths to you?


She got up quietly, dressed, took a large slice of bread from the kitchen table, and walked away from the cottage following her intuition which was such a precious guide to her. This was not the first time she had been to the sea visiting that hidden cove surrounded by huge rocks, only reachable at […]

Sacred Meeting

Once upon a beautiful morning, a very still one, not so long ago the child came in the company of her family to spend their holiday by the seaside.

You may remember this child for you have already met her when reading the story of her first encounter with the spirits of the land manifesting as wild horses and why they chose to visit her?

Abused Earth

Voicing this 14th July 2016. Another trauma has hit France and deep grief is in our hearts. For the joy and the peace has been shattered again in our country upon this celebration of Freedom for all. And once again our Earth has been spilled with innocent blood and trauma starts running deep once again […]

Rural Story

 Rural Stories The Sow and her love story. This story is based on a true story told by an Elder in the hamlet. In a small village still live a very old couple, he is in his late eighties and his wife is about eighty four. They were born in between the wars, in those […]